Amazon Associates May 2015 Earnings

My earnings for May is still flat at $371.04, but now that I have started building new Amazon store websites I can see some momentum growing. There are more clicks and many of these clicks planted the 90 day Amazon cookie on people’s PC’s, so if people did not buy immediate, but come back within 90 days I will still get the commission. So I am building my commission pipeline.

Amazon Earnings May 2015

Amazon Earnings May 2015

In April I build 8 new stores and in May I build 19 new stores. This is after not building any since Dec 2014. I normally start to see commission from new websites in 2 to 3 month. I can see the traffic on Analytics growing, so I am very positive to break $500pm again soon.

I build my first 8 Fresh Store Builder (FSB)websites as a test to see how they compare to Xenia websites that are my top earner websites and give me the highest ROI.

There was a learning curve to build the FSB websites for the first time, and I have lot more to learn. But the basic websites I build compare well with Xenia. So it should be interesting to compare earnings in 3 months or so.

FSB allows you to edit the description. This is why I thought I will build a couple to test it. Most Amazon Store websites are de-indexed by Google because of duplicate content. But if you can build a store without duplicate content the website will last ‘forever’ on Google, which will allow for more stability in Amazon Associates earnings.

Xenia websites work well with 5000 to 10000 products or pages. It is not easy to build a website with 2000 pages with FSB. This is a short coming of FSB, but if you want to re-write 5000 descriptions if will be a huge task. I will not start doing this unless the website starts showing potential with earnings and traffic.


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