Amazon Associates May 2015 Earnings

My earnings for May is still flat at $371.04, but now that I have started building new Amazon store websites I can see some momentum growing. There are more clicks and many of these clicks planted the 90 day Amazon cookie on people’s PC’s, so if people did not buy immediate, but come back within 90 days I will still get the commission. So I am building my commission pipeline. In April I build 8 new stores and in May I build 19 new stores. This is after not building any since Dec 2014. I normally start to see commission from new websites in 2 to 3 month. I can see the traffic on Analytics growing, so I am very positive to break $500pm again soon. I build my first 8 Fresh Store Builder (FSB)websites as a test to see how they compare to Xenia websites that are my top … Continue Reading →

Amazon Earnings for January 2015 and De-indexing

My January Amazon earnings is much lower than December, but not as low as what I was expecting. My earnings where $555.39. There are 2 big reasons for the drop in earnings. The first is that the shopping season has passed and the second is that All My Amazon Store Websites are de-indexed! There is about 230 of them. Most of the website were de-index about the beginning of the year. I can see in the analytics that the traffic from Big G stopped about 1 January. This was a huge shock to me, but I know why it happened. All these store websites scrape content from Amazon. So it is duplicate content and a big no-no to Big G. I was relieved to see that some of my websites had good traffic from Bing and Yahoo and this is where my traffic came from. The websites have not been … Continue Reading →

Amazon Earnings for December 2014

The earnings for December has been die best to date at $932.93. This was expected as December months are always the best month for Amazon associates. Here is an image of my December 2014. I am very grateful for earning this money from Amazon. The exitement came to an end in the second week of the New Year when I noticed that 90% of my websites are de-indexed by Google. This was always a risk as I knw my Amazon stores do not follow Google rules. The one big rule that my Amazon Store websites are breaking is that all my pages are all dublicate content of Amazon. Google will de-index website that scrape content from other websites to publish. I have not build anymore websites since as I need to find a way to rewrite the descriptions of the items on each page. This will take very long to … Continue Reading →