My Amazon Earnings for Feb 2015

My Amazon Associates earnings was $371.66 for February. This was expected after the de-indexing of my websites, but I am pleasantly surprised that I am still making $371.66 from Yahoo and Bing traffic. Here is the screen shot of the Feb earnings. The conversion is good at 7.54% for a store website. There are plenty of click too nl 2693. My focus is now on Lyoness, MLSP and networking Superstars. I have not build a new Amazon site. I want to see what happens to the Bing and Yahoo traffic. It might still produce positive returns per year. If it does, I will be building Amazon websites again. There might be enough income from Google in the first 3 – 6 month it takes for Google to de-index the website and by then the Yahoo and Bing traffic might be enough to make more than $12 per year per website … Continue Reading →

Amazon Earnings for January 2015 and De-indexing

My January Amazon earnings is much lower than December, but not as low as what I was expecting. My earnings where $555.39. There are 2 big reasons for the drop in earnings. The first is that the shopping season has passed and the second is that All My Amazon Store Websites are de-indexed! There is about 230 of them. Most of the website were de-index about the beginning of the year. I can see in the analytics that the traffic from Big G stopped about 1 January. This was a huge shock to me, but I know why it happened. All these store websites scrape content from Amazon. So it is duplicate content and a big no-no to Big G. I was relieved to see that some of my websites had good traffic from Bing and Yahoo and this is where my traffic came from. The websites have not been … Continue Reading →

Amazon Earnings for November 2014

This post is late regarding my Amazon earnings, but it has been a busy month. I am now on holiday, so I have all the time now. It has been another record month for me with earnings of $704.00 for November.     I am at an referral rate of 7.00% but missed the 7.5% by 38 items. December should be another good month because of Christmas shopping. My focus has been auto spares the last 3 months and I don’t think many Christmas shopping will be done in this category. In 2015 I will diversify more. The goal of building 120 websites in 120 days will be a huge fail. The reason is that my focus has been on Lns and all my funds available to buy domains went into building my Lns shopping network. The return on investment at Lns is going to be slower than my Amazon … Continue Reading →